
5 Fun Facts Pakistan

Marvin saying "Hello" in Urdu

Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. It has beautiful landscapes, a rich culture, and friendly people.

Jasmine - The national flower of Pakistan

The national flower of Pakistan is the Jasmine. It has pretty white petals and a sweet fragrance. People love to wear it in their hair or make garlands with it.

The national sport of Pakistan is cricket. It is a fun game played with a bat and a ball. People cheer for their favourite teams and players during cricket matches.

Cricket is a popular sport in Pakistan
Traditional clothes from Pakistan

Pakistan is known for its colourful and intricate traditional clothing. People wear clothes called shalwar kameez, which are loose-fitting pants and tunics with beautiful patterns and embroidery.

Pakistani cuisine is full of delicious flavours and uses lots of special spices.

Pakistani spices