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5 Fun Facts Egypt

Marvin saying "hello" in Egyptian

Egypt is a country located in Africa. It is known for its ancient history, mysterious pyramids, and the Nile River.

The sphynx in front of a pyramid in Egypt

Egypt is home to amazing buildings, which were made by ancient Egyptians long ago. One of most famous is the Sphinx. It is a giant statue of an animal with the body of a lion but the head of a person.

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and it flows through Egypt. It is a very important river because it provides water for farming and transportation. People even take boat rides on the Nile!

River Nile in Egypt
Egyptian Pyramids

Ancient Egyptians built tombs called “pyramids” for their pharaohs (kings) and buried them with treasures.

Egyptians have a special system of writing called hieroglyphics. It uses pictures and symbols to represent words and sounds. It’s like a secret code that only they knew how to read and write!

Hieroglypics in Egyptian pyramid